Now in its seventh season, the 2021 Texas Biennial will open September 1, 2021 and be on view through January 31, 2022, featuring the work of fifty-one artists across five Texas institutions. Among them are six alumni from The University of Texas at Austin, including Jarrod Beck (MFA in Studio Art, 2007), Adriana Corral (MFA in Studio Art, 2013), Ariel René Jackson (MFA in Studio Art, 2019), Ryan Hawk (MFA in Studio Art, 2017), and Stephanie Concepcion Ramirez (MFA in Studio Art, 2016). 

Founded in 2005 by Austin nonprofit Big Medium, the Texas Biennial is a geographically-led, independent survey of contemporary art in Texas. It's seventh iteration, A New Landscape, A Possible Horizon, will make it the longest-running state biennial in the country. This year's biennial was cocurated by artistic directors Evan Garza and Ryan N. Dennis. 

“The 2021 Texas Biennial is spread across San Antonio and Houston in order to realize a diversity of practices and explore a vast landscape of disciplines, themes, and historical events relevant to both Texas and contemporary global discourse,” said Garza in a press statement relayed by Artforum. “Principal themes of the project—the mutable histories contained within objects and people, activism and issues of racial and social justice, and narratives unique to the history and land of Texas—are examined in multiple creative disciplines and across multiple sites.”

Full list of artists and associated programming can be found on the Texas Biennial website

August 20, 2021
Studio Art