Launched in December of last year, Sky/World Death/World is a new digital art project by artist Amelia Winger-Bearskin on The Whitney's website. The project was commissioned as part of artport, the Museum’s resource for Internet art and an online gallery space for net art commissions. Winger-Bearskin’s work is part of the ongoing Sunrise/Sunset series that activates across the Museum’s website twice a day at sunrise and sunset in New York City.

The project combines animations and poetic text connecting sunrise and sunset to Indigenous creation myths. To view and read more about Sky/World Death/World, check out the exhibition on the Whitney's website.

Winger-Bearskin received her MFA from the Department of Art and Art History in 2008 and is currently a Banks Family Preeminence Chair of Artificial Intelligence and the Arts at the Digital Worlds Institute at the University of Florida.

April 5, 2023
Studio Art