Currently in residence at the Joan Mitchell Center, Studio Art Professor Beili Liu exhibited work this past summer in the Asia Society Texas Center’s summer exhibition Site Lines: Artists Working in Texas and as part of a team who brought Chinese director and choreographer Yang Liping’s acclaimed production of Under Siege to life.

Site Lines was critically lauded in the Houston Chronicle and PaperCity. “…Beili Liu’s ‘Lapse’ holds countless layers of charred velum, a marvelously textured surface that from afar might be read as a long slab of thinly-veined wood,” wrote Houston Chronicle’s Molly Glentzer. “It may not be important that all five artists are immigrants, but their various Asian aesthetics bring complex ideas elegantly into focus. It all comes together as an infinitely pleasurable show.” 

Likewise, Liu spent a portion of her time away from campus as an artist-in-residence at The Studio at MASS MoCA, where 12 artists at a time complete work within the museum’s factory campus. 

September 25, 2019
Faculty & Staff
Studio Art