Print Lecturer Annie May Johnston (MFA, 2016) is featured in a group exhibition, Resolution, now on view at Clamp Light Gallery in San Antonio, Texas. The exhibition addresses society and the rise of an “image-saturated culture” as a result of advancements in technology. These advancements, according to exhibition materials from Resolution, affect the manner in which we create, edit and share images. Through varied lenses and technique, each artist interpreted how images can be copied, printed, filtered, retouched and shared around the world. 

Resolution will be on view from January 10 - February 2, 2020

Annie May Johnston is also the co-director for the Guest Artist in Print Program, as a part of the MFA in Studio Art program, and is the faculty sponsor for the UT Riso Room. Johnston is the 2019 Summer Creative Research Grant and the Faculty Fellows recipient and holds a variety of scholarships from the University of Texas at Austin for her work in printmaking. 

Jan. 14, 2020
Faculty & Staff
Studio Art