Leila Heller Gallery in Manhattan will feature Rachel Lee Hovnanian's (BFA in Studio Art, 1982) The Women's Trilogy Project, including three installments of work from February 24, 2018 through July 2018.  

Expanding on familiar themes in her previous work, Hovnanian uses each exhibition in this series to initiate difficult conversations surrounding modern relationships with technology, addiction, and gender roles, through a collection of interactive installations, paintings, sculptures and works on paper. Hovnanian draws on personal areas of her Southern upbringing, to juxtapose our current cultural values. 

Part I of The Women's Trilogy Project is (Ray Lee Project Vol. 1) NDD Immersion Room, a large-scale immersive installation whose title derives from the concept of Nature Deficit Disorder ("NDD"), used to describe a form of human alienation from nature that results in both a greater susceptibility to negative moods and a reduced attention span. In order to enter the exhibition, visitors will surrender their phones and in return receive a lantern to enter a dimly lit interior forest barley illuminated by a campfire with very few signs of civilization. "Hovnanian challenges viewers to reevaluate their own relationship with digital technology," notes curator Chris Byrne. 

The opening reception for the first installment of The Women's Trilogy Project,(Ray Lee Project Vol. 1) NDD Immersion Room, is on February 24, 2018 from 6 - 8pm. 

February 12, 2018
Studio Art