Image Credit: aether magazine and Philip Rogers photography

TEMPO is the City of Austin's Art in Public Places exhibition of temporary public artworks. In the fifth iteration of the projects, Studio Art Lecturer R. Eric McMaster was featured among nine installations at Edward Rendon Sr. Park from November 11-19 during the East Austin Studio Tour.

McMaster's piece, a sound installation titled A Composition in Parts, invites visitors to experience a deconstructed string quartet, enhancing the Edward Rendon Sr. Park's mystery and beauty. The complete composition may be heard at the park’s center.

Recently, aether magazine's Tara Barton reviewed the TEMPO installations in "Zen and the Art of Public Art." "Following the park’s winding paths, you might tune into scratchy high notes emanating from a tower in the bushes or be tempted by the sorrowful sound of a cello down a narrow path into an alcove of oaks," writes Barton in the article. "Families with children were out and about the Sunday afternoon we visited, and in the playground at the center of the park, the four parts of the composition mixed in with the sounds of kids cavorting on the slides and swings. The scents and sounds made the air almost palpable, drawing our attention outward and creating a greater awareness of these moments, shared by all parties present." 

November 21, 2017
Faculty & Staff
Studio Art